Are You Ready To Take Your Bird Pictures To The Next Level?

Learn My Secret Techniques So You Can Take The Most Stunning Bird Pictures Yourself

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    Do you feel frustrated because the best birds just won't sit on your perches long enough or don't even show up in the first place?   
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    Are you dying to know how to create nice and smooth backgrounds like the one on this picture? 
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    Are you tired of watching bird photography tutorials that don't even show the actual process of taking the pictures? 

Hi, I'm Jan Wegener. I've been a bird photographer for 13+ years and I love helping others to improve their own bird pictures, too! 

If those questions above hit home, read on.

The Reason Your Bird Images Are Not As Brilliant As You Want Them To Be Is Your Mindset

If you are like most of the people who ask me about my techniques, my equipment and the magic tricks that I use in order to create outstanding bird images, you think about the wrong things

Of course, the right equipment and certain technical knowledge are important but they are not the only game changers. 

Excellent pictures come from a certain kind of mindset. They are the result of the way you approach photography.

They arise from your clarity about the desired outcome, the willingness to do what it takes to achieve that outcome and your unwillingness to settle for anything less

 The Attention For Your Art That You Have Been Craving For So Long 

Just imagine standing in front of one of your images, printed and hung at an art gallery, a thrilled crowd marveling at your work.

What does it feel like to be fully satisfied with your pictures yourself? 

What would it be like to receive hundreds of messages every week from people asking how you manage to create such incredible bird images or wanting to buy your prints?

The Solution You Have Been Waiting For

Shooting pictures is only one part! - To get a great final image, you need to prepare well. Time of the day, picking the right perches, know-how on flash light in bird photography and the ability to create the perfect background in any given situation are key. 

Chances are you already have studied books on bird photography, bought courses that were rather boring or even attended expensive seminars. And none of them took you to the level where you wish to be. 

That's frustrating. I get it. 

This Is Why I Created  


The Ultimate Video Guide To Bird Photography

This 76 minute video will not only take you through 3 full days of me shooting my unique bird images.

It will help you get the right mindset, understand what is really important to focus on and offer a complete guide on how to create the most stunning bird pictures yourself!

What​​​​ To Expect

Ultimate Viewing Experience

5 Cameras will make you feel like you are right there with me capturing exciting bird images!


What makes a good perch and how do you get the birds to land on them? Let’s find out!


Learn how to get nice and smooth backgrounds and what to do if the background isn’t ideal.

Equipment and Settings

Learn how to set up your camera and flash to get the most out of ever changing light situations and never miss “the shot”.


Pick up my secrets, apply them to your own photography and create stunning set ups yourself!

...and Action

Watch the birds come in, use the perches and see the exact moment I take my images.

Take A Sneak Peak

What People Are Saying About Perched 

“Anyone wanting to advance their skills in bird photography will absolutely benefit from this

“This is a highly informative documentary of exactly how Jan gets those amazing shots.

This honest approach in sharing techniques and skills he has learned and developed over ten years of bird photography is invaluable. Each and every process is clearly explained (not just what he did... but why he does it!).

Having watched this several times now, I highly recommend it. I believe anyone wanting to advance their skills in bird photography will absolutely benefit from this." 

Brian Kowald (IG: @briankowald)

Easily the best instructional video I have seen"

“Jan has a natural relaxed presentation style that makes for easy viewing.

I've been photographing birds for a number of years and I regret that I didn't get to see this video years ago, as it would have improved my setups a lot sooner.

Easily the best instructional video I have seen." 

Gerard Satherley (

“The video you wish you had access to when you started"

“Jan gives you the video you wish you had access to when you started asking yourself some of those difficult photo questions.

It presents bleeding edge bird photography in an easy to understand, informative style & shows that it’s not the camera or computer equipment but these simple steps and a little bit of creative thinking that will get you where you want to be.

Even if your a walk & stalk kinda guy or girl there are so many transferable skills included here it would be ridiculous not to have it as reference."

Karl Seddon (iG: @karlseddon)

How To Get Access 

Click the button below to get unlimited access immediately and start benefiting from the secret information I'll share with you today!

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Other Bird Photographers Love It, Too!

“This is the definitive "how to" on bird photography"

“So much cheaper than a workshop but you can watch it over and over again.

Everything is explained, this is the definitive "how to" on bird photography. I can't recommend this highly enough!"

Adam Hunter (IG: @wildlife_kununurra)

“Watching a magician reveal the secrets to his tricks"

"Perched is a beautifully produced lesson on how to capture crisp, colorful bird images.

It felt like I was watching a magician reveal the secrets to his tricks, but rather than ruining the magic, it made it even more fun.

There was enough content in the episode to give me new techniques to practice for months or years to come."  

Marcus (IG: @marcusbirding)

Jan Wegener

Creator of Perched 

About Jan Wegener

German born, now living in Melbourne, Australia, I have had a keen interest in birds from a young age. Parrots in particular have always fascinated me.

When I started bird photography, I was immediately drawn to images with smooth out of focus backgrounds and beautiful perches.

Since then I have spent countless hours learning how to take such images and how to attract birds to my perches.

Many years later and countless hours of trying, this style has become my trademark and I am working on perfecting it every day.

Here's Exactly What You Get

  • 5 camer​​​​​​​as will make you feel like y​​​ou are right there with me capturing exciting images. 
  • What makes a good perch and how do I get birds to land on them? 
  • Learn how to get nice and smooth backgrounds and what to do if the background isn't ideal. 
  • See which gear and accessories I use and learn how to set up your camera and flash to get the most out of ever changing light situations and never miss “the shot”.
  • You will see the exact moment I take my pictures. 
  • 76 minutes of high quality videography - instructional, entertaining and unlimited access after you purchase

How To Get Access 

Click the button below to get unlimited access immediately and start benefiting from the secret information I'll share with you today!

Secure Payment

Stop wasting your precious time by trying to figure everything out by yourself! 

© 2019 Aviscapes by Jan Wegener                                                                                                                                                                                               Privacy Policy    Terms