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On Your Own Bird Images

The response to my recently published Editing Masterclass & other videos has been amazing and it's so great to hear how much it has helped you thus far. 

But when it comes to learning, there’s nothing quite like working together on a project

at the same time and having the ability to ask questions. Am I right? 

Working through a video course or Youtube video and following the instructions is great,

but often you still have specific questions and wish you could quickly ask someone.  

I know exactly how you feel and let me tell you: Having a mentor gives you great feedback and gets you much faster to where you want to be on your journey to amazing bird images. 

Just imagine being able to talk to someone who is experienced and highly skilled and get direct feedback on your images and techniques? 

What would it be like to have a professional bird photographer look at your work and tell you exactly what and how you need to do things in order to get the desired outcome? 

I love working with you and sharing my knowledge to help you to become a better bird photographer, so I wanted to take it to the next level and offer you 1:1 mentorships. 

1:1 Mentoring with Jan

Jan Wegener Bird Photography

How does it work?

You and I on a live video call 1:1

And we can cover all those burning questions you always had when it comes to bird photography.

Whether it’s how to set up your camera, how to edit your images or simply how to take amazing bird images. You can ask it all!

We can develop a strategy together that will yield you outstanding results in no time or simply have a fun chat about bird photography and review some of your images.

I am here to help you succeed!

This opportunity will only be available for a very limited amount of people 

so I can make sure everyone of you gets my full attention. 

You want me to guide you on your journey to taking amazing bird image

Click the button below to save your spot now!

All prices in USD

Every mentoring session is one hour long

Secure Payment

The Mentoring Is For You, If...

  • you would love to get live feedback on your images or set up so you can avoid making the same mistakes over and over again 
  • your images have already improved but you still feel like something is missing and you want me to show you the best techniques and tools to improve
  • you want me to help you choose the right camera settings to take the most incredible pictures 
  • you would like me to edit one of your images with you, sou can see what is really possible
  • you have questions about topics I have already covered in my Masterclass or Youtube channel and would like me to explain them to you in person and guide you to succeed 

Book Your Session Now!

Click the button below to save your spot

for the limited mentoring sessions now!

Jan Wegener Bird Photography

All prices in USD

Every mentoring session is one hour long

Secure Payment

Jan Wegener

Creator of Perched 

About Jan Wegener

German born, now living in Melbourne, Australia, I have had a keen interest in birds from a young age. Parrots in particular have always fascinated me.

When I started bird photography, I was immediately drawn to images with smooth out of focus backgrounds and beautiful perches.

Since then I have spent countless hours learning how to take such images and how to attract birds to my perches.

Many years later and countless hours of trying, this style has become my trademark and I am working on perfecting it every day.

© 2020 Aviscapes by Jan Wegener                                                                                                                                                                                               Privacy Policy    Terms